Hilariously funny diet humor!

Almost N0 Calories is the perfect gift book for the woman who is always dieting!

It's not exactly a dire emergency (well, maybe is). Nothing fits! You can't zip up the dress you want to wear for that upcoming gala that everyone's talking about. And the store has a gorgeous dress but it's one size too small.

It's time for action. Now is your time. Time to lose those extra pounds...and fast.

You need the ultimate crash diet, and Almost N0 Calories is the ultimate, ultimate crash diet.

We're so not into heavy in any sense of the word, so laugh along with us as you diet our way to thin, maybe even skinny. Your couch-potato self will be thrilled with our exercise program: no sweats, no gyms, no moaning, no groaning. No prepackaged food programs or weekly meetings.

Grab a glass of colored water as you toast yourself to find your inner, and outer, thin.

Before starting this diet, be sure to check with your physician or health care provider. You might also want to check with your astrologer.
Calories on recipes are approximate.


You'll love our daily exercises...

"Clean out your handbag"

"Folding the eggs"

Folding the eggs

"Shaking the spices"

Shaking the spices

You don't want to miss these. Click to see a larger example.

Or just buy the book. You won't be sorry. Just thinner.


And our delectable sassy recipes...

Sample menu...

Interactive feature: Click button and burn 1.42 more calories!

A Message

from Slim and Slimmer

We are diet warriors.

We've been there more than once and actually more times than we'd care to count. We've dieted, using all the books, meetings, food delivery plans, equipment advertised on TV, and weight loss nutritional supplements.

We totally know the frustrations.

One night, while simultaneously bitching and laughing as we looked through a book of food items and calorie counts, we realized that the only thing we could eat that has no calories is not food. And out of the resulting hilarity, the Almost No Calories diet was born.

Share this diet with your friends…Hide your scale…grab a cup of coffee (black, of course) and lighten up literally and figuratively as you make your way through Slim and Slimmer's world of weight loss.

The recipes are real and based on real food you can buy in the supermarket. They taste good and look beautiful. And it's the element of the ridiculous, trying to keep each day under 100 calories (remember, this is the ultimate, Ultimate Crash Diet) that kept us creating and writing, and enjoying the fun of it all.

We promise that you'll enjoy our exercise program so much, you'll drop your gym membership and your sweats.

Here's to the new beautiful you!

~ Slim and Slimmer

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